Our pension scheme is going to change

There are new rules for pensions. As a result, the pension scheme administered by Pensioenfonds Witteveen+Bos is going to change in a number of ways.

What does this mean for you? Click here to read more about the new scheme:
New pension scheme


Helpful tools for you



See how much pension you have accrued

Nibud schrijf van vijf

Nibud planner

See if your expected pension is enough with Nibud's 'Pensioenschijf van Vijf' (Pension slice of five)


pension checker

A handy app that shows you how you are doing, in a glance

What if your situation changes?

Verandert er iets in je werk, relatie of woonsituatie? Bekijk wat dat betekent voor je pensioen en wat je misschien moet regelen.