
The work of Pensioenfonds Witteveen+Bos is informed by the core values of Witteveen+Bos, with a key value being solidarity between young and old, and between participants and survivors.

The fund aims for simplicity and cost efficiency in its pension scheme, investment policy, and investments. Our investment policy reflects our members’ attitudes towards risk and sustainability.

The fund is transparent regarding its commitments and obligations – and the fixed nature of these – and continuously works to raise awareness and engage its members. The fund wants to help its members understand their financial situation so they can make sound financial decisions for their retirement.

Finally, the fund works together with a board that provides direction in an efficient manner, striking a balance between technical knowledge and professional management.


Pensioenfonds Witteveen+Bos aims to achieve the best possible pension for all fund members, one which strikes a balance between the level, stability and predictability of both accrual and payments. The board is constantly monitoring the balance between different member’s interests. In line with Witteveen+Bos’s culture, the fund wants to maintain a close relationship with its members.


An important feature of our pension scheme is solidarity. This solidarity is reflected in the collective sharing of risks in our investment policy and scheme. Our scheme incorporates buffers which ensure that payments are as stable as possible.

We outsource a number of tasks. We are critical in deciding what we outsource and to whom. We always demand insight into the tasks being performed by our partners. We take no unnecessary risks; nor do we undertake any actions that we do not fully understand.

We regularly and directly communicate with everyone who has accrued or receives a pension. It is our way of fostering understanding of and engagement with pensions.