Getting married

Do you get married when you are already retired? Then, unfortunately, your partner will not be entitled to a partner's pension.


By law, your ex-partner is by default entitled to part of your pension that you accrued during your marriage or registered partnership. You can agree a different division when drafting the divorce covenant. Dividing the pension after a divorce is called ‘verevening’ in Dutch. Does your ex-partner die? Then the part your ex-partner received will be added back to your pension.

You can also opt for ‘conversion’. Then the part to which your ex-partner is entitled and the value of the partner's pension to which your ex-partner is entitled will be converted into your own pension entitlement. Does your ex-partner die after conversion? Then you will not receive the pension your ex-partner received back.

By default, your ex-partner is entitled to the partner's pension you built up until the divorce. You can also make other arrangements about that. For example, your ex-partner can waive the partner's pension. Upon conversion, the right to a partner's pension usually lapses.

If you inform us about the agreements you have made, we can ensure your pension is divided correctly. If you do not inform us, you will have to take personal responsibility for dividing your pension.

Did you live together? Then, by default, your ex-partner is only entitled to the partner's pension that was accrued for him or her. In that case, your partner must be known to us and you must have a cohabitation agreement that included your ex-partner as a beneficiary.

How to inform us about the agreements you made

Moving house

We automatically receive notification when you move, except when you move abroad or move house while already abroad. In either of these cases, provide us with your new address and, if necessary, email address. This ensures we can continue to contact you to provide news on your pension.

Another bank account number

Please, inform us about a new bank account number as soon as possible. We will then ensure that the pension is transferred to the right bank account number.

Living abroad

If you live abroad, we do not automatically receive a change of address. Therefore, send us your new address when you move to or abroad.

To know if you are still alive abroad, we will send you an annual ‘Life Certificate Form’. Return this form to us within eight weeks.

Make sure the form is with us on time, stamped and signed by a local authority. We need this form to continue paying your pension.

Death abroad

If you live abroad and die, your partner of a child must notify us of your death. This can be done by sending a copy of the death certificate to the pension fund. They can send it to:

Pensioenfonds Witteveen+Bos
Appel Pensioenuitvoering
Postbus 30396
1303 AJ Almere

Next of kin can also send an e-mail with a digital version of the deed to:

We then stop paying the pension. We then also immediately take care of paying out any partner's pension and/or orphan's pension.


When you die, you may leave behind a partner and children. A survivor's pension is arranged for them.

We automatically receive a notification if you die. The payment of your pensioen stops. We will check whether you had registered a partner with us. We will then let your partner know how to apply for the partner’s pension and, if applicable, the orphan's pension. If you have children over 18 years of age, we will contact them directly.

If you live abroad and die, your partner or children must notify us of your death. This can be done by sending a copy of the death certificate to the pension fund. They can send it to:

Pensioenfonds Witteveen+Bos
Appel Pensioenuitvoering
Postbus 30396
1303 AJ Almere

Next of kin can also send an e-mail with a digital version of the deed to:

How much partner's and orphan's pension will your dependants get?

Your partner will receive the partner's pension you have built up for him or her. When you retired, did you and your partner decide to convert the partner's pension into an extra pension for yourself? Then your partner will not receive a partner's pension. Converting a partner's pension does not affect the orphan's pension. You may also have chosen to convert part of your pension into (extra) partner's pension. Then your partner will receive the higher partner's pension.

Each child receives an orphan's pension until they are 18 years old

A divorce in the past may affect the amount of pension for your partner. The most recent pension statement shows the amount of benefit for your partner and any children.