A benefit will be provided to your partner and children if you die. This benefit consists of the partner’s pension (or ‘partnerpensioen’ in Dutch) and the surviving children’s pension (or ‘wezenpensioen’).

Partner’s pension

If you die, your partner will receive the partner’s pension you accrued for them. Your partner will receive this benefit until they die.

Your partner is understood to be either the person:

- you are married to
- you have entered into a registered partnership with
- you have lived together with for at least six months and have a notarised cohabitation agreement with.

A partner you live with must not be related to you. You must also register a partner you live with before they formally qualify as your partner.

Surviving children’s pension

If you die, each of your children receives a surviving children’s pension until they reach 25 years of age.

Amount of partner’s and surviving children’s pensions

You can check the amount of your partner’s pension and surviving children’s pension at www.mijnpensioenoverzicht.nl . This information is also available on the overview you regularly receive from us.

Are you divorced?

Or were you living together and had registered your ex-partner with us? Then your ex-partner is entitled to the partner's pension that you accrued until the date of separation of end of cohabitation. This partner's pension will be deducted from the partner's pension for your possible new partner.

Convert partner's pension into extra pension for yourself