A benefit will be provided to your partner and children if you die. This benefit consists of the partner’s pension (or ‘partnerpensioen’ in Dutch) and the orphan’s pension (or ‘wezenpensioen’). You accrue a portion of these pensions each year.

When is a partner eligible for a partner’s pension?

Your partner is understood to be either the person:

- you are married to
- you have entered into a registered partnership with
- you have lived together with for at least six months and have a notarised cohabitation agreement with.

A partner you live with must not be related to you. You must also register a partner you live with before they formally qualify as your partner.

Amount of partner’s pension

If you die before you retire, your partner will receive 70 % of the pension you would have accrued via Pensioenfonds Witteveen+Bos if you had continued working until your 67th birthday. Your partner will receive this benefit until they die.

Daarnaast krijgt je partner tot hij of zij AOW krijgt of de datum waarop jij 67 jaar zou zijn geworden (als die datum eerder is) een tijdelijk partnerpensioen. Dit is op jaarbasis € 10.500 plus 15 % van het jaarsalaris dat je verdiende direct voor je overleed. Werk je deeltijd? Dan krijgt je partner een eenmalige uitkering naar rato van het deeltijdpercentage.

If you had separated from your partner or stopped living with a partner you had registered with us, then your former partner is entitled to the partner’s pension you accrued up until the date of separation or end of cohabitation. This partner’s pension is deducted from the pension for any new partner you may have subsequently had.

If you are already retired when you die, the partner’s pension is equal to 70 % of your own pension.

Amount of orphan’s pension

If you die, each of your children receives an orphan’s pension until they reach 25 years of age.

The surviving children’s pension is equal to 14 % of the pension you would have accrued if you had continued working at Witteveen+Bos until your 67th birthday. If, however, you are already retired when you die, then it is equal to 14 % of your pension.

You can check the amount of accrued and expected partner’s pension and surviving children’s pension at www.mijnpensioenoverzicht.nl and on the pension statement you receive from us each year.

Converting partner's pensioen in extra pension for you