Everyone employed at Witteveen+Bos Raadgevende ingenieurs B.V. who is aged 18 years or over accrues a pension at our pension fund. You decide when you want your pension to start. The earliest you can do that is on your 55th birthday; the latest is on your 67th birthday.

Each year around September, you receive an overview from us by post. This overview shows how much pension you have accrued and what your expected pension would be if you chose for it to start on your 67th birthday. You receive your pension until you die.

The pension you receive from Witteveen+Bos’s pension fund is in addition to your state pension (AOW). You receive your AOW from the government. You cannot choose when your AOW starts.

Current scheme: defined benefit plan

The current pension scheme is a defined benefit plan. Each year, you accrue a portion of the pension you will ultimately receive. How much you accrue in a year depends on your salary. Your pension is not guaranteed. If there are sufficient reserves, we can increase it. We might, however, have to reduce pensions if insufficient reserves are available for an extended period.

An up-to-date overview of your pension

You can check the amount of pension you have accrued and your expected pension at www.mijnpensioenoverzicht.nl. This information is also available on the overview you receive from us each year.